Redefining RICH
We’ve mentioned in many blog posts that Success means different things to different people. We’ve seen that what success means to one entrepreneur meant failure to another. One entrepreneur’s definition of success is a salary of $50k — but to another, $50k is a failure because he/she has defined success as a salary of $150K, or 1.5 million.
This is why we always want to define these words and eliminate myths that may exist. Success doesn’t mean having a big house - for each person, it means reaching the milestones they’ve set for themselves.
With that in mind, let’s look at the term RICH.
Most people define RICH in terms of dollars or whatever currency you use in your country. We learned that the word RICH is much more than that. There are some who are rich with experience, rich with insights, connections, how they share information.
We want to look at this because we feel in our experience that entrepreneurs are RICH in so many more ways than just money, although money is key and can help you move forward with your ideas. As a person who has spent part of my life homeless, I know that having cash is important and relevant on the streets, but it is not the end of all.
Having made money and lost money, it’s important to understand that RICH is not just the money. As we continue to work with amazing people globally, we want to ask you to personally revisit the word RICH. Redefine it.
We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.
What does being RICH mean to you?
What other words have you redefined?
What other resources do you use to keep moving forward?