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Group Coaching Masterminds

Select one of the following:

A mastermind is a small group of people (generally about 10 members) who share the same values, come from similar backgrounds or have the same goal in mind.

Infographic about Masterminds group coaching by International Strategic Management (ISM). Features animated person celebrating, surrounded by texts: 'applications accepted on a rolling basis,' '6-10 participants in each group,' 'meet weekly & pay monthly,' 'personalized coaching at an affordable price,' 'participate for a minimum of 3 months,' and 'grow sustainably by learning from other's mistakes.' Includes ISM logo.
Flowchart titled "How to Join a Mastermind" with steps: Fill out form, complete online application, hear from ISM coach about next steps, sign 3-month contract and join a group, claim free resources or interview.

Are ISM Masterminds for you?

Are you an entrepreneur or a small business owner?

Or, do you work for organizations that support entrepreneurs and small business business owners?

Two Options to Choose From:

The Entrepreneur Circle

This circle is for entrepreneurs, small business founders, SME owners, and those with an urge to start a business but don’t know where to start.

What is an Entrepreneur or Small Business Owner?

An entrepreneur ( a mindset) turns ideas into businesses, from vision to launch.

A small business owner runs a local business, supporting their community.

The ESO/EDO Leader Club

This circle is for the entrepreneurial support/development organization leader, director, or team member.

What is an ESO/EDO?

Entrepreneurial Support Organizations and economic development organizations support the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem and small business development.

What do you get? It’s simple…

  1. Meet bi-weekly on Zoom with your group led by an elite ISM business coach.

  2. Ask your questions beforehand in a form so that the coach can be prepared.

  3. Pay monthly with a 12-week minimum commitment to the group.

  4. Bonus access to selected ISM business planning tools and programs.