Dreams vs Plans for Your Business
Image from Unsplash by Glenn Carstens-Peters
It’s important to have dreams.
They were the only things that kept some of us going while we were growing up!
Having a plan is part of those dreams. While dreams may look far away and unreachable, with a plan you can start to see and believe in reaching the goals and the dreams.
Plans help you break the dream into potential baby steps to reach those goals. How do you do that?
It’s really simple.
Do you have a dream of running an office or buying a building, getting a customer?
Well, that is awesome, and that is the start!
Now let’s back up. For you to buy that house, or that office building, or to get that first customer, ask yourself:
What do I need to get there?
Did you know that to get a sale, you will probably have to talk to about 100 people? So, you have to start talking to the right people, not just 100 random people.
Want to buy a house?
What’s the price of the house? How much do you need for a down payment?
Now you start thinking to buy this office building, I need $100k.
Or if you can save $200/week or month or $2K/year it will take me 10 years, to have a down payment to buy that building.
We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.
What can you do to convert your dreams into a reality?
What have you done in the past to break down dreams into achievable goals?
How can you build a dream with a community rather than by yourself?
Faris Alami is Founder and CEO of International Strategic Management, Inc. (ISM). He works internationally, presenting Exploring Entrepreneurship Workshops and other entrepreneurial ecosystem — related ventures.