Coaching Entrepreneurs

I’ve been fortunate to have been called a business coach all the way back in the 90s. I thought I knew what that meant back then. But as I have worked with hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs globally over the last twenty years, I’ve come to understand that what was called coaching then is not necessarily what we call it today.

This is why I’ve chosen to blog in the past about the similarities and differences between mentoring, advising, consulting, and coaching - specifically focused on entrepreneurs and leaders.

My thinking has evolved over the years. Many - including myself - initially thought you coach or share information from your own experience, from which others can learn.

I’ve learned that do it this way, rather than that way is akin to saying it’s the right way or the wrong way. Although there is a way to do something, it’s not necessarily the only way, or the right way for the next person who follows that path.

While some things in your journey can be similar to others, and some processes or mindsets are important, your actual path will be different from that of someone else. This is why coaching - which in my world means inspiring others to do their best, means comparing you to yourself, not to others.

It’s important to keep holding yourself accountable for where you need to go, not compared to others. The confusion comes when people think coaching is the same as mentoring, or being an advisor or consultant.

The point is not for you to agree with me or the concept put forth here.The point is to inspire a conversation so we can all do better for the communities we serve.


We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.

  1. What does coaching mean to you?

  2. How do you coach entrepreneurs and leaders in your communities?

  3. What other coaching have you done to inspire other people?


Entrepreneurship Practice


17 Years of Service