Analyze Your Results
“Whatever the scenario, you have to think it through. you have to analyze it, look and see what went right, what went wrong, what can be improved?”
Short Term Goals: Goals for the Day
“Setting short-term goals on an hourly or daily basis can also be vital in the journey. As entrepreneurs or leaders, we are interrupted on a daily basis, and sometimes, at the end of the day, we feel we’ve not accomplished anything.”
Setting Long Term Goals
“Setting long-term goals and keeping your eye on the results becomes key, especially given how time files, and when it is easy to be distracted on a daily basis.”
Startup vs Small Business Development for Minorities
“Supporting small business development means asking How we can help them scale up?”
Starting a Minority or Immigrant Owned Business
“I learned quickly from the individuals I’ve worked with that the trick is to find champions for yourself within the ecosystem you are planning to enter.”
Compete with Yourself
“As long as you continue to compete with yourself, you’re going to find your way to compete with the big players and maybe tackle them and earn first place.”
Understanding Sales Numbers
“Once I learned that, my attitude shifted from being disappointed when hearing NO, to celebrating that NO.”