Leaders & Entrepreneurs COVID-19 Resources

Global Ties Detroit is partnering with ISM to deliver Leaders and Entrepreneurship: How to Sustain Your Business Activity During and Post COVID-19  in response to the crisis.

ISM is launching its exclusive  Leaders and Entrepreneurship: How to Sustain Your Business Activity During and Post COVID-19 in response to the crisis. 

Gary Schoeniger founder of Entrepreneurial Initiative is the key speaker at  Leaders and Entrepreneurship: How to Sustain Your Business Activity During and Post COVID-19 in response to the crisis. 


Please feel free to utilize these worksheets and note that we provide these during our formal trainings. In addition please call us if you have any questions!

Combinar Palestine is partnering with ISM to deliver Leaders and Entrepreneurship: How to Sustain Your Business Activity During and Post COVID-19 in response to the crisis.(the video is in Arabic)