Global Leadership and Cultural Training


There is no such thing as “standard business practice” when you’re interacting with clients on other continents, or hiring staff from around the globe, but you can capitalize on the global economy.

ISMs cross-cultural and leadership training bridges the gaps in cultural beliefs and behaviors you may encounter among your prospects, clients, and employees. We guide you in working with ethnic-specific companies, domestically and overseas.

We have extensive experience consulting start-ups developing partnerships in Arab and Middle East nations.

Gallup Institute

The Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement Survey

Gallup has studied millions of managers from organizations worldwide. Through its research on what the greatest managers do to create the best workplaces, Gallup discovered there are 12 needs of an employee that, when met, create and support a great workplace. We refer to these employee engagement needs as “elements” or “items.” Great managers incorporate these elements into their everyday actions and help create an environment for their team in which these elements come to life.

How can you measure how well you are doing as a manager in building an engaged work environment?  As with any other important business outcomes, you need a way to measure your current engagement level so that you can know how to improve it.  Gallup developed a robust employee engagement measurement and management methodology to provide you with accurate, insightful, and actionable employee engagement data.


Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment

Gallup founded the science of strengths from more than 50 years of research.  Gallup’s Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment has helped millions of people discover what they do best every day.  Those people who use their strengths every day are six times more likely to be engaged at work.  Teams that focus on their strengths are 12.5% more productive.  Start using your strengths today.