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The Resilient Entrepreneur

Those of us in the entrepreneurship and leadership education field often create our own frame of reference for the things we wish to describe.

Recently, I have been seeking to understand the Resilient Entrepreneur. Regardless of location, situation, or industry, these folks possess the same characteristics.

While you might ask them directly to identify these characteristics, it takes years of observation, listening, reflecting, testing, and applying to articulate it in a way that others can learn from it.

We’ve learned, over the last 20+ years working with entrepreneurs and leaders around the globe, that there are four things you can do to stay resilient - and they are very simple. We’ve created a program that incorporates them, called The Resilient Entrepreneur. The four things are:

  1. The Mindset. The Resilient Entrepreneur is always looking at what can be done and opportunities to serve the community. The big questions are How can we serve the community? How can we make the life better? What can we do to solve this problem?

  2. Focus on What you Have. Acknowledge the abilities, skills, knowledge, and connections you have and put them to work, rather than worrying about what you don’t have.

  3. Modify What you Can. Can you modify a product, a service, or a relationship to make things better moving forward?

  4. Move Forward with the ideas you might have discovered as you continue to modify and qualify.

While these four steps seem to be something we all should do, it takes a Resilient Entrepreneur to make them happen.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll take an in-depth look at each of these and explore the ideas they can unfold.


We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.

  • What business are you in?

  • What is your mindset?

  • What do you have and what is around you that you can utilize right now?

  • How can you move this forward?